Why doesn’t Doom package ParEdit?

From Doom’s FAQs

Why are there no default keybinds for Smartparens (for evil users)?

Doom only uses smartparens to manage pair “completion” (it does the job better than electric-{pair,quote}-mode or the multitude of other pair-management solutions in the Emacs ecosystem at the time of writing). None of smartparen’s commands have default keybinds for evil users because they are redundant with motions and text-objects provided by evil/vim. If you disagree, I recommend trying the :editor lispy or :editor parinfer modules.

But if you insist on using ParEdit in Doom, read on.


Add following code to packages.el or enable clojure in :lang of init.el.

(package! paredit :pin "...")


Add following code to config.el and restart Emacs.

(autoload 'enable-paredit-mode "paredit" "Turn on pseudo-structural editing of Lisp code." t)
(add-hook! '(emacs-lisp-mode-hook clojure-mode-hook) #'enable-paredit-mode)

Key bindings

paredit-{backward,forward}-slurp-sexp (C-( and C-)) pulls new elements in from either side and paredit-{backward,forward}-barf-sexp (C-{ and C-}) pushes elements away.