Sequence Number: 32 bits
The sequence number of the first data octet in this segment (except
when SYN is present). If SYN is present the sequence number is the
initial sequence number (ISN) and the first data octet is ISN+1.
Acknowledgment Number: 32 bits
If the ACK control bit is set this field contains the value of the
next sequence number the sender of the segment is expecting to
receive. Once a connection is established this is always sent.
Current Segment Variables
SEG.SEQ segment sequence number
SEG.ACK segment acknowledgment number
SEG.LEN segment length
SEG.WND segment window
SEG.UP segment urgent pointer
SEG.PRC segment precedence value
Sequence and Acknowledgement Numbers
First packet (sent by client):
Second packet (sent by server):
Third packet (sent by client):
Next packet sent does not need to wait for acknowledgment of the third packet.
Fourth packet (sent by client):
The fourth packet usually have PSH
bit set to reduce latency.