
  • pwru requires >= 5.3 kernel to run.
  • For --output-skb >= 5.9 kernel is required.
  • (Will auto-detect) For --backend=kprobe-multi >= 5.18 kernel is required.


Basic command that writes traces with tuple and skb information to a file:

pwru --output-tuple --output-skb --output-file packet.trace-1.txt 'tcp port 8080'

tcp port 8080 (TCP packets with source or destination port set to 8080) can be replaced with any pcap-filter. For example, src host and tcp src port 443 can be used to trace packets received from to diagnose RX path issues. However unlikely to happen, the src port 443 part of the expression excludes packets from but sent to port 443.

Add --filter-func kfree_skb_reason --output-caller to find the function that called kfree_skb_reason(). If it does not provide sufficient information, try --output-stack instead of --output-caller.

Run with Docker

You can also run it in Docker with:

docker run --privileged --rm -t --pid=host -v /sys/kernel/debug/:/sys/kernel/debug/ cilium/pwru pwru --output-tuple 'tcp port 8080'