Building AFL++ on Ubuntu

First, install the latest LLVM from the official APT repository.

Then, clone AFLplusplus and run the following commands.

sudo apt-get install clang-18 lld-18
LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config-XX make all
sudo make install

Fighting compiler optimization

A simple trick to avoid entire for loops and function calls be optimized away, store the result in an iteration or of the function in a volatile variable is the simplest without side-effects like printf.

Build Flags

cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-g";
if (!have_o) cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-O3";

Without -O flags, afl-cc will add -O3. Besides, -g is always added.

CC=afl-clang-lto CXX=afl-clang-lto++ RANLIB=llvm-ranlib-17 AR=llvm-ar-17 AS=llvm-as-17 CFLAGS="-fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link" LDFLAGS="-fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link" ./configure
# Standard ver.
make fuzz_parser
# With sanitizers
AFL_USE_ASAN=1 AFL_USE_UBSAN=1 make fuzz_parser

Last line of output should be [+] Instrumented ... (non-hardened mode) or (non-hardened, ASAN, UBSAN mode) with sanitizers.

Prepare Input

IMPORTANT: if you use afl-cmin or afl-cmin.bash, then either pass - or @@ as command line parameters.

# No need for fuzzing flags
make yash
# Replace `-v` with `r` in tests/Makefile
cd tests && make test-valgrind
# Collect input files from tmp.*
find . -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type f -name '*.in' | parallel 'cp {} ../yash-afl-input-tests/{#}.in'
afl-cmin -i ../yash-afl-input-tests -o ../yash-afl-input-unique -- ./fuzz_parser -
find ../yash-afl-input-unique -type f | parallel 'afl-tmin -i {} -o ../yash-afl-input-min/{/} -- ./fuzz_parser'
afl-cmin -i ../yash-afl-input-min -o ../yash-corpus-min-input -- ./fuzz_parser -


# Master
AFL_FINAL_SYNC=1 afl-fuzz -M main -i ../yash-corpus-min-input -o ../yash-corpus-r1 -x .../bash.dict -a text -- ./fuzz_parser
# Slaves
afl-fuzz -S sans-00 -i ../yash-corpus-min-input -o ../yash-corpus-r1 -x path/to/bash.dict -a text -- ./fuzz_parser_asan_ubsan


Build Flags

# With ASan
./configure CC=clang-17 CXX=clang++-17 CFLAGS="-g -O1 -fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link,address -DFUZZING_BUILD_MODE_UNSAFE_FOR_PRODUCTION" LDFLAGS="-fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link,address"
# With MacPorts on macOS
./configure CC=clang-mp-17 CXX=clang++-mp-17 CFLAGS="-g -O1 -I/opt/local/include -fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link -DFUZZING_BUILD_MODE_UNSAFE_FOR_PRODUCTION" LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib -fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link"
make fuzz_parser

Note: during configure phase, if AddressSanitizer discovers a crash, it will silently disable the feature.

FUZZING_BUILD_MODE_UNSAFE_FOR_PRODUCTION is proposed by libFuzzer authors as a common build macro for fuzzing-friendly build.


rm -r ../yash-corpus-r1/
mkdir ../yash-corpus-r1
./fuzz_parser -dict=bash.dict ../yash-corpus-r1
./fuzz_parser -dict=bash.dict -fork=<N> ../yash-corpus-r1 # multi-process

Minimize Case

./fuzz_parser -minimize_crash=1 -runs=10000 crash-XXX
